
More than a year ago our spiritual advisor told us the news…”You have a mission” he said.  “You were brought together because Mary plans to use you to channel the message of love”.  Naturally we met this message with disbelief…Why us? Why now?  Why at this stage in our lives, and at this stage of our relationship?  We are both middle aged, with grown children, in our second relationship, basically starting a new.  But each time we went back to our spiritual advisor the message from Mary was coming though louder and clearer.  It took her making physical contact with us, that we finally accepted our mission:-)

So the messages in this blog are messages from Mary Magdalene…Messages according to Mary!


215 thoughts on “About

  1. How wonderful for you to have the connection you do with Mary Magdalene. The messages you write are beautiful and very appropriate for these times. I also used to question why I was the one receiving messages from the angels. But, as you say, there is something we are being called to do, and like you, I could never say no. The messages I’ve received have always been positive , caring, and full of love. I’m so glad you have started this blog to share what you receive. Namaste.

    • Hiya! Thank you visiting me and liking my blog. I’ve just been reading through yours and find it fascinating. How and when did you start hearing from Mary? I’ve never heard of this happening before. I’d love to hear more about you!

      • Thank you! I’ve been receiving messages for 20 years. from a number of sources. Its just recently that I have been asked to publish them and am actually going to have an ebook come out on 9/15/13. One With All of Thee.
        Feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to correspond with you. In the meantime, keep up the posts and getting the messages out. The world needs as much guidance as it can get and the more opportunities people have to find that in a blog or book or conversation, then the better place it will be. Namaste.

      • We were both raised in traditional religions but were never quite satisfied with the answers we were given and certainly afraid of burning in hell if we were looking elsewhere. C started searching for the meaning of it all first. The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail was published in the 80’s and C read it and started her non-traditional spiritual/religion search. This book dealt with the possibility of Jesus and Mary Magdalene having a family with relatives alive today. (Ironically we are channelling Mary later in life.) Anyway that started C’s spiritual quest to seek out many different views on why we are here. From developing a belief in reincarnation to the belief in a future Golden Age for humans. Eventually our marriages broke up and we met and started dating. After dating a while we went to a psychic friend who told us of our mission to bring Mary’s messages to everyone. We were very shocked. Why us. We were just regular folks just wanting a quiet life. We eventually got our act together and started this blog. We now see it as an honor to bring forth her messages.

  2. This past weekend the Gospel reading was about Mary Magdalene being forgiven of her sins because she washed the feet of Jesus with her tears. Thanks for stopping by and the like of my post “We Will Be Lillies”.

      • I’m curious about Mary Magdalene and how she came into being. Can you share a little more of the story? By the way my middle name is Magdalena

      • Well I’d have to say she came into being kicking and screaming. Every time “C” and I would go to visit our spiritual advisor he would keep telling us that we had a mission and our mission was to channel Mary. We didn’t want to believe it at first but we kept getting the same information each visit. It took us a year before we actually tried to channel and messages started to appear.

  3. I totally agree about the healing power of pets. My cat Lucy & dog Gunnar bring me such peace & comfort. Thanks for liking my post on the flower girls. As I have told others, I was so lucky to be in the rose garden that day when they were also visiting. I’ll visit you often for your comforting posts. Carmen Aida

  4. thanks so much for visiting my blog! I’m so glad you found me, your message is so important, as I am a mom to three little ones and adamant over what we put in their innocent bellies. looking forward to following your blog!

  5. Thanks for visiting my page. 🙂
    Also, interesting posts and page you have. ♡
    I wanted to “like” the post about touch, but can’t find the like button.
    Interesting “about” page as well.

  6. Thank you so much for stopping by my flower blog; I hope it helps brightening your day. Your blog is wonderful and very touching. I will be sure to check it often.

  7. Pingback: A new thank you | Mountain Dreaming

  8. Thanks for checking out my site and blog! I believe there is a kinship here, as painting, landscapes especially, is for me a spiritual connection to the natural world, which sadly is a place slowly fading in this productive driven society.

  9. Thanks for the support on my blog (Rethink! Renew! Rejoice!). I really like the concept of your blog and your commitment. I’ll be a regular visitor.


  10. Thanks for stopping by and liking my blog post and, by so doing, introducing me to yours. I’ve only had a chance to give it a quick once over, but know I will be back to see more of all the good thoughts that you offer.

  11. Thank you for visiting my Blog and liking the post ‘All Journeys…’ 🙂 As Mary above has said, your visit has introduced me to you 🙂 We are certainly living in interesting times and finding friends to accompany each other through this tumultuous but ultimately rewarding journey is such a blessed gift. Thank you for being you 🙂 Willow x x

  12. Thank you for dropping by my blog. Love your blog. I would love to do a guest post if you are interested. I also post inspirational content, outside of real estate. I would love my readers to learn more about what you are doing. Let’s talk.

  13. Thank you for the like about Willen Hospice. Have had a read of your blog and although I am a doubting Thomas myself about messages, signs and the like… my dear friend pulls her hair out saying I am surrounded by ‘energy’ and ‘positive spirit’ which I don’t get to be honest given we have had a few rotten years BUT I am open to the message of love, guidance and positivity which your blog is full of. So good for you. I will be a regular dipper 🙂 as in will dip in and out if you don’t mind that is!?

  14. Thank you so much for the like and for your visit! Your blog is always a great read and helps me gain new perspective on my journey through life. *** 🙂 ***


    • There is Scott and “C”. “C” is somewhat private so at this point she just goes by “C”:-) We live in Canada and became interested in your blog because you talk about your chronic pain and your healing approach through nutrition and healthy foods! Our messages come from Mary and tend to be focused on love, health and nature. Thank you again for stopping by:-)

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my recent posting. You have an interesting blog. Take care and best wishes for 2014!

  16. Hi, Good Day.. Thank you for liking my post and introducing me to this awesome blog of yours 🙂 You have really amazing blog.. I liked your messages very much..beautifully written..:) I will be regular visitor from now on 🙂 I will try not only to read but follow your messages… 🙂

  17. Wow! Doesn’t it surprise you when God calls on you to do something for Him? I too said, “Not me, you’re kidding.” But God does truly work in mysterious ways. Thank you for writing so truthfully on your blog posts. I appreciate them. God bless you.

  18. You know, I have seen your blog posts in the past (ok, only a couple of months ago). But I was really impressed with the simplicity of them. God bless you.
    Blessings =)

  19. Hello! I appreciate you visiting my blog. I just got started so I’m not sure where it will lead yet. One day, one thought at a time. Your blog is inspirational! It’s down to earth, warm, motherly, and positive. Thank you for your messages!

  20. Thank you for visiting my blog. If you knit or crochet items please feel free to post.
    Share my blog with others who might be interested in knit and crochet items as I sell in USA and Canada.
    Thanks for visiting.

  21. You were blessed with an extraordinary gift…dear Messengers of Mary, i’m grateful to read your amazing blog and it certainly enlightened my day. God works in mysterious ways and for me, discovering your bog was like a miracle. Like a helping, healing hand…guiding me to a place where there’s still Love and Faith and Hope. Thank you for being the amazing people that you really are!
    I also wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I’m honored and knowing that you liked one of my posts made my heart smile. My prayers are with you both.

  22. Thank you for your kind comments about my recent artwork post. I appreciate that. It’s interesting that we connected here as I am a big fan of the Kathleen McGowan books on Mary Magdalene and have two friends I believe of are her lineage ‘blue bloods’ I think they are called. With gratitude and love in this serindipedous connection. Deb

  23. Thanks for liking my blog. I can’t recall if you found mine before, or if I found yours, but your blog is familiar to me. I am trying to inspire people to find health & healing through incorporating nature into their lives. And hopefully, that will inspire them to care and heal nature in return. Please let me know if you have a gardening question you’d like me to address. Blessed Be!

  24. Thank you for the like. I read ‘Communicating Kitty’ and just melted. I feed a stray at work and much as I think he is too feral for me ever give him a forever home, “C” did well for feeding him when she did. Beautiful message. Thanks, again for the visit.

  25. You have a wonderful blog here concerning Mary Magdalene’s messages, a truly wise woman and the first woman apostle. We should all be inspired by her. I recently read a book about her and was truly enlightened by it.

  26. This is an awesome experience that you undertook, passing on messages from Mary to us. I believe in spiritual visitors, in many forms. Thie is a wonderful and peaceful place to visit! Thanks for being such a faithful messenger and friend! Blessings sent your way, from Robin

  27. Thank you for the like. Your site is beautiful and encouraging, which is something we need a lot of these days.

  28. Hi Mary, thanks for following my blog. You have some very interesting views about life and spiritualism. I think we may have a lot in common. Keep visiting me as I will to you 🙂
    Many thanks again.

  29. I just came across this. I am not of that tradition but am fascinated by anyone channeling good energy and messages from authentic Source. And how do you know when it is your own inner intuition and Grace, or that of Mary? Love to hear more and keep the conversation going.

  30. Pingback: LISTEN. | Live Love Laugh

  31. We are much the same as you described yourself. We too received a message, but ours sent us on the road for a few months. We are back now, still hearing the message, and still living them.

  32. Why messages from Mary Magdalene who’s been dead for so many years? Why not messages from the Lord Jesus who is alive for ever?

  33. Thank you for recently visiting and leaving a “like” for my little poem over at Can I Take a Nap First? Your blog is beautiful — it is a mission to bring more tenderness into this world.

  34. How glad I am to have found this blog. My maiden name is Maddalena – I have read that Maddalena is the Italian translation of Magdalene which is interesting to me only as it validates my commitment to working with light and energies to support self-healing and that of others. What a gift you have in the Wisdom of Mary Magdelene.
    I often receive loving words from Solomon. His wisdom is more often than not shared with me through journaling and is also a wonderful gift …with a more personal purpose – as he puts it.
    Heavenly Blessings for sure.
    thank you for your recent visit to my blog, I will be following yours with interest.

  35. Might I respectfully inquire about how you receive these ‘messages from mary’? I’m quite curious as to what you believe in this area.

  36. What kind of scriptural teaching do you follow? You obviously don’t teach or believe in the one true living word, the Bible, so I’m interested to know what kind of cult or religious teaching you follow.

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