Every Day Should Be Earth Day



Today’s message from Mary is  a special thank you. Mary wants to thank all of you who participated in  Earth Day which was yesterday. Those of you who embraced nature by going out in it and to those of you who did community cleanups, thank you.  To those of you who participated in rallies thank you too. Scott and I actually forgot but everyday is Earth Day for us. So Mary wants to remind all of you that every day should be Earth Day and we should all take  great care of this planet called Tara or Mother Earth we all live on.

Believing Is Seeing . . . .  And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!

Happy Easter


Today Scott and I are taking a little  Easter break from our messages from Mary. Mary and Sananda (Jesus) are here and want to wish you a Happy Easter with lots of  love and light.  That also goes for Scott and I too.

Believing  Is Seeing . . . . And This Is According  To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!

Importance of Oxygen


Today’s message from Mary is all about air or  oxygen. Mary wants you to know the  importance of air or oxygen or taking a breath.  There are so many benefits to it and doing it properly. From my training many years ago as an exercise instructor I learned the importance of  getting oxygen to the cells by breathing correctly. By getting lots of oxygen to your  cells you  prevent  all sorts of diseases like heart disease and  remove  all kinds of toxins from your body.  Unfortunately most of us don’t breathe deep enough we shallow breathe which doesn’t deliver  enough oxygen rich  blood to our body. I found the following article which explains the importance of breathing  and how to do it– way beyond anything I knew years ago as a exercise instructor. There were so many more benefits metaphysically too than I knew many years ago that proper breathing was delivering.


Believing Is Seeing . . . . And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!


Don’t Let Actions of Others Lower Vibration


Today’s message from Mary is one again I have had lots of practice with. Today’s message from Mary is to not let the actions of others lower your vibration. I know I have talked about this  before that somewhere in my journey I  learned to just be love instead of responding with human emotions like  hate, anger, jealousy.  Regardless of what was done to me I responded by loving that person.  I have been told that this has been my hardest life ever so I have had lots of practice.   It took a while to get to this  being love  reaction. It certainly didn’t happen overnight. To this day I am still  friendly toward my ex spouse regardless of what he did to me. Lots of people have never understood my loving action toward people that have hurt me.  The bottom line is  I have figured out  over the years we are all loving pieces of God or Prime Creator having life experiences sometimes we have some hard life experiences  to go though on purpose to have that life experience  or resolve karma. So being love is the perfect response to the actions of others. It keeps you feeling high in high vibration and unaffected by the actions of others and who knows you might even be resolving some karma.

Believing Is Seeing .  .  . . And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!

Stop Pouring Toxins Into Drains


I was a little shocked that this message from Mary came through and  still needs to get out in this day and age. Today’s message from Mary is to watch what you are pouring down the drainpipes going  directly into our rivers, lakes, streams and oceans. Mary is very concerned at what is going on. I remember years ago we would pour something called Drano  filled with chemicals down the sink to clear a clogged sink without any thought. I still can’t believe people are still doing toxic practices like that with all of our environmental concerns. So please  stop this practice of putting toxic things down your drain. It all goes out to pollute our waterways.  Make sure anything you use at home is biodegradable   There are so many natural products being discovered every day. We are all one in this journey on earth.

Believing Is Seeing . . . . And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!

New Energy Wave This Week


Another energy wave is coming. Mary’s message today is to warn us of this. It starts tomorrow March 20 the Spring  Equinox and will last the week. Be careful to keep your vibration up  and stay positive and know that any bumps  in your life this week are temporary. Scott and I like to go out in nature during energy waves so we will be out in nature tomorrow night.  Those of us who don’t have snow can go out and ground with Mother Earth by going barefoot. Meditating is another way to keep your vibration high this week. Playing classical music is another favourite of ours to keep our vibrations high. So  with this new energy wave coming in please be careful this week.

Believing Is Seeing . . . .And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!

A Great Way To Reduce Stress


Today’s message from Mary is once again about nature but a different take on it. She wants you to know the joy in Mother Nature to heal us and raise our vibration. Scott and I have this local city park we visit and the birds are so used to humans they jump right up on the pathway asking for a  food not the least bit afraid. We just laugh so hard every time these ducks approach us.  We figure they want some French fries or something very human. They are not afraid of us in the least. Birds in the wild of course watch us very care fully and we  are quite shocked when these ducks jump up looking for food. We are raising our vibration here  just by getting the simpler things in life like a walk in the park.  Laughter too raises our vibration. Another joy in the winter has been checking kitty cat tracks in the snow in my backyard to see who has been by to visit. Mary just wants to remind you today  of this instant created  joy moment from Mother Nature and is a great way to alleviate stress, raise our vibration and heal us.

Believing Is Seeing, . . . . And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!

Smiling Heals Us

Today’s message from Mary is all about smiling something many of us probably forget to do. I remember as a child performing in a group of school  musicians our conductor would remind us to smile  just before the curtain opened and we began to play our instruments to the audience. It was wonderful training for life. I didn’t know then the healing power of just a smile to the recipient and also the person giving the smile. It instantly raises  our vibration and heals both people the giver and receiver  momentarily. It is free to practice so please take Mary’s advice today and you can help heal and raise the vibration in our world. Trust me from my crazy life you never know what people our going through.

Believing Is Seeing . . . . And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!

Turn Anger Into Positive Energy


Today’s message is something to help us again. Mary wants you to turn anger into positive energy. Don’t get angry at people be love each day but life can be challenging. Here is how Scott and I did it recently. I was frustrated with winter being stuck inside because I am afraid to walk anywhere far  since falling on ice last November. I don’t have a car anymore and rely on Scott for drives . So feeling shack wacky  I did get a little bit angry at him. Instead   of Scott eating breakfast after coffee we  dropped everything immediately went for a walk in the park instead of doing house chores. We used mother nature to heal. It worked I just wasn’t angry at him anymore.  Also when you walk your body releases feel good hormones called endorphins. Even the house chores got done  eventually later. We just took care of us first.

Believing Is Seeing . . . . And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!

Go To Your Heart To Escape Noisy World

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Today Mary wants to help you with all the noise in the world today. If you are finding the world too noisy  find a quiet space to focus within and on your heart or heart mind as it is really called. Remember our heart mind is connected to Creation or God or Prime Creator whomever you want to call Source. Our heart mind is always there for us to go to. We can ask it a question or use it to relax or just meditate  to escape the craziness of the world. Scott and I stay away from most news on the internet or  TV or radio to keep our vibrations high. We know the consciousness of the world is actually raising so we as a people are getting higher vibrationally year after year.  You wont hear that on  CNN or most other news outlets. So next time the  noise in the world starts to gets to you take Mary’s advice and  try going within to your heart mind.

Believing Is Seeing . . . . And This Is According To Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada)!